Who we are and what we do!
for the better future
Benevolent Integrated Development and Care Foundation.
Welcome To our Organization
We are Christian, non-profit development organization dedicated to assisting vulnerable and underprivileged members of the community in realizing their full potential and having their rights and aspirations met
To date, 349 children have been supported with tuition fees and educational materials (uniforms, books and mathematical sets) both in primary and secondary levels of education
our causes
Social and Economic
19 BIDCAF Community-Saving Groups have mobilized 491 members, with women accounting for more than 75% of the total. With a loan repayment rate of 99%, they generate over 34,500 financial transactions per year and save money.
Food and Nutrition
Provided 158 smallholder farmers with agricultural in puts like improved and high-yielding maize seeds, tarpaulins, and hand hoes, spades and wheel barrows...
our hardworking team
roger peter
rose davidson
clara stanley
hubert austin
we need your help
Let’s stop this hunger and fullfill their happiness
When we are all together, we can change the world into a better place to live in
Our Impact
We just know we can reach more people if you join us, see what we have so far done!
peer educators enhanced with skills and knowledge
Community-Saving Groups created
Children have been supported with tuition fees
Smallholder farmers got agricultural in puts