Those who do not attend school are deprived
of that right. Furthermore, children's future opportunities are severely
limited if they do not have access to and complete a basic cycle of quality
inclusive primary education.
Uganda has one of the highest percentages
of primary school dropouts in the world, with nearly one in every twenty
school-age children never enrolling in school. Children, who have never
registered for school, as well as the reasons for their non-enrolment, are
unseen. These children, as well as those who drop out of school, are the most
vulnerable and difficult to reach.
assists communities in their efforts to ensure that all children have the right
to a quality education, including the most vulnerable and marginalized.
Recognizing that education can be a force for inclusion and acceptance or
exclusion and conflict, BIDCAF works with a diverse group of people to ensure
that schools play a positive role in fostering a culture of peace.
Early childhood
development, school food programs, and primary, secondary, and higher education
in both formal and non-formal settings are all part of our education projects.
We collaborate with children, their families, communities, and the broader
society, as well as advocate all levels, to ensure that all children have
access to an education.