Financial exclusion is especially severe
among the rural poor, young, women, and other excluded groups, with only 16
percent of adults saving in formal deposit-taking institutions such as banks,
microfinance institutions, and savings and credit organizations. Over the last
decade, Community Savings Groups have become an important tool in achieving
BIDCAF's goals of expanding access to finance in marginalized communities.
Finally, Community Savings Groups are an effective economic and social
development tool, enabling for investments in household assets, long-term
livelihoods, health, education, food security, and nutrition.
Most formal financial institutions
are unable to reach Uganda's poorest citizens, who urgently require appropriate
and affordable financial services. The microfinance programs of BIDCAF
collaborate with informal or community-based savings groups.
The approach
encourages clients to save and borrow for investments in income-generating
microenterprises. It reaches extremely poor households and communities,
assisting in the establishment of a sustainable financial foundation for local
community development.
BIDCAFs’ Community
Savings Groups (CSG) methodology is a comprehensive, savings-led
microfinance approach that provides a secure environment for low-income
households to save and borrow in order to increase their income. The goal is to
teach members basic financial management skills in order to help them better
manage their existing resources.
community-based rotating savings and credit associations are
at the heart of BIDCAF's savings-led microfinance system. However, our strategy
considerably improves on the methods by assisting poor communities in
developing highly sustainable, accessible, transparent, adaptable, and
self-managed Community Savings Groups.
facilitates savings services, allowing the poor to accumulate useful lump sums
without incurring excessive debt or interest charges. Furthermore, the CSG
process protects members' limited resources by redirecting funds from poorly
protected informal ways to investments in group members' businesses. This
provides a positive return on their savings (dividend).
accumulate, and the capacity to access flexible credit through an internal
lending system leads to increased financial resilience among participating
households and investments in productive assets, such as agricultural output
and small business activities.
CSG are owned and run by its members since its
inception. This protects the groups' long-term financial stability and
sustainability. CSG membership fosters social cohesiveness by fostering trust
among members, resulting in increased financial inclusion of marginalized
groups such as rural farmers, women, HIV-positive persons, and vulnerable youth
who are frequently excluded from mainstream financial institutions.
To address the need for long-term community-level
financial services, BIDCAF has incorporated a market-based strategy that allows
local entrepreneurs, known as Village Agents (VA), to expand savings group
services on a fee-for-service basis wherever there is demand. The VAs are paid
directly by the savings groups, resulting in an easily replicable and
self-sustaining savings-led program. VAs earn a living by assisting in the
formation and support of groups, and groups receive assistance from a
quality-assured service provider independent of BIDCAF or donor funding.